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Applicant:Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Municipality

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd.

Grant amount: HUF 1 278 979 000

Project title: Establishment of a nature diving play house and hiking centre in Tiszafüred

Project ID number: TOP-1.2.1-16-JN2-2020-00001

Expected physical completion of the project: 31 December 2023.

On 17 January 2020, the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Municipality, in consortium with the Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Regional Development Agency Nonprofit Ltd., submitted a grant application for the call for proposals TOP-1.2.1-16-JN1 – Socially and environmentally sustainable tourism development for the establishment of a nature diving play house and hiking centre in Tiszafüred.

On 26 February 2020, the application, registered under the identification number TOP-1.2.1-16-JN2-2020-00001, was deemed worthy of support by the Head of the Deputy State Secretariat for the Implementation of Regional Development Programmes of the Ministry of Finance, for an amount of Ft 800 000 000. The grant contract entered into force on 27 April 2020. By Government Decision No 1455/2022 (19.IX.), an additional grant of HUF 478,979,000 was approved for the implementation of the project, bringing the total subsidised cost of the project to HUF 1,278,979,000.

The construction works of the project started on 06.10.2022 and the technical completion reached the 50% level on 30.06.2023.


Location of the investment:

The development will take place on an area owned by the Hungarian State and managed by the Central Tisza Region Water Management Directorate, in the Tiszafüred internal area, at parcel number 1430/9, next to the Municipal Port. The investment site also has a direct waterfront connection and is located directly next to the Tiszafüred-Poroszló cycle path, which will be opened in 2021. In the inner area of Tiszafüred, parcels 1422/35 and 1422/36 are also involved in the investment for the construction of utilities and transport facilities, which are owned by the Municipality of Tiszafüred.


Objectives of the project:

To increase the range of tourist attractions in the Lake Tisza area and the county

To provide diverse, experiential, ecotourism-based entertainment for visitors to the area all year round.

Provide unique and memorable new experiences, services and opportunities that complement, enhance and add value to existing tourism offerings, thus encouraging visitors to return.


The professional content of the development:

The project will create a facility providing 4 seasonal tourist services, which will fill a gap in the region, offering programme opportunities for domestic and foreign tourists, as well as for active tourism enthusiasts, even in bad weather conditions.

The project could be one of the key projects of Lake Tisza as a part of the priority tourism region, which in its content and functional design creates an opportunity to link the tourism services developing in the region, to expand regional cooperation and to promote economic development.

The facility is also sustainable in the long term, as when submitting the application for support and during the technical design phase, particular emphasis was placed on the use of environmentally friendly, cost-effective technical solutions, so that the facility will be operated using only renewable energy sources, with heat pump and solar panel systems.


Functions of the building:

Multifunctional, educational interactive “play space” on the first floor with interactive elements for 40-50 minutes of active time. During the visit you can also learn about the natural values of Lake Tisza and try them out

Catering unit with terrace overlooking the Holt-Tisza and indoor dining area – buffet

Multifunctional ground floor event space with mobile partition walls that can be converted into a conference or exhibition space

Meeting rooms suitable for small group sessions, workshops

Nature study room and space for craft activities

Screening room

Nature photography workshop


External infrastructure elements outside the building:

Construction of a floating dock with a bridge landing stage for small boats, boats and other watercraft (kayaks, canoes, SUP)

Construction of a road serving the facility,

54 parking spaces for cars, 44 inside the fence, the rest outside, and cycle parking

2 electric car chargers, 2 electric bicycle chargers


The preparation and design work was carried out in cooperation with professional partners:


Hortobágy National Park Directorate

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Government Office – Department of Environment, Nature Protection and Waste Management

Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Government Office – Heritage Protection Department

Várkapitányság Zrt – National Museum

State Chief Architect

Tiszafüred City Municipality



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